
Skilled Reflection is now holding meetings on Zoom. To join the zoom sessions or request prior session writing prompts, please don’t hesitate to message us!

Tentatively we will have meetings this fall at the following time:

  • Mondays 6 - 7 PM CST

Is there a time of the week that works better for you? Let us know you’d like to join but cannot make the scheduled sessions.

Note: Our new-join process is helpful, but isn’t required to attend.


B.Y.O. Conflict

Monday Oct 12th, 2020

This week is your chance to apply Skilled Reflection to exactly where it’s needed in your life. Pick a difficult goal, topic, person, value, etc. that is taking up a lot of your mental energy / your TIME, and we’ll provide an open-ended framework to aid your investigation of it. Not sure what to focus on? All the more reason to join us!

email skilledreflection (AT) for a zoom invite.

Reclaiming Time from School

Session last hosted on 9/28/20

You’re attending University for a personal, specific reason, but the University asks the same of you as everyone else (in your major). What can you do about that?

The break in Midterms and the Midterms in your Break

Session last hosted on 3/4/20

Before you “endure” a torturous midterms and compensate with an exquisite break, take a hot minute (hour) to gaze at the nature of the roller coaster you’re on. If nothing else, you’ll be better prepared for the ups and downs.

The Leader Within

Session last hosted 09/14/20

If you’re going to be stuck at home with yourself, why not make that inner voice into something you enjoy hearing? Navigate the pandemic with a strong inner voice that you’ll want to listen to.

Missed a session?

Email us about a session you’d like to do on your own, and we can send you an adapted template for reflection! Let us know how it goes.